AngeliaMailTM is a simple but powerful automation tool that allows sending email messages via SMTP from within Batch jobs on any 32 or 64 bit WindowsTM platform. It consists of a desktop configuration utility and a command line SMTP client that can also function as a COM object for those that wish to embed AngeliaMail functionality into their own applications. It is ideal for instrumentation of batch files running on remote systems (such as servers) and for automated report or Spreadsheet distribution.
AngeliaMail's power comes from its ability to manage distribution lists and configurations using the desktop configuration utility. There's no need to store dynamic items such as distribution lists in batch file command lines. Instead, use Email Groups in place of specific Email addresses, and pre-configure as much as possible in AngeliaMail Command Files - then editing the Email Group definition or the Command File with the desktop configuration utility immediately applies to all instances of AngeliaMail that reference that Email Group or Command File.
The desktop configuration utility provides a graphical user interface and Wizard that simplifies the definition and storage of SMTP Host connection information - including SMTP logon (user-id and password) information where required. It also provides for the creation and maintenance of Email address groups to allow easy management of distribution lists. And it provides a Command File wizard which allows the pre-definition of Default configurations to minimize command line parameter complexity and allow a data-driven management approach.